Looking for documentation on gluestack-ui v2 with NativeWind? Refer to this link.


All @gluestack-ui/themed components are universal out of the box, eliminating the need for separate development for both web and mobile platforms, which is the traditional approach.
With gluestack-ui, developers can now craft beautiful interfaces with a single set of code that seamlessly operates across all devices, removing the need for the tedious and time-consuming process of crafting and maintaining two separate codebase for distinct platforms.
You can also use gluestack-ui to create styles specific to a particular platform such as Web, iOS or Android. using $web, $ios and $android respectively.
import { Button, ButtonText} from '@gluestack-ui/themed';
function App {
return (
<ButtonText>Hello World</ButtonText>

Component Showcase

Discover how gluestack-ui delivers a smooth and consistent user experience across various device types. You can view live example here.