Looking for documentation on gluestack-ui v2 with NativeWind? Refer to this
gluestack-ui leverages the power of the
Animation plugin from
gluestack.io/style to provide animations for a more engaging user experience. By default, all of our animated components are built using the
@legendapp/motion, which provides declarative animations for React Native.
By default, gluestack-ui/themed comes with with animation plugin plugin installed with @legendapp/motion animation driver. You can use the Animatable Components from @gluestack-style/animation-resolver and from them you can create your own animated components.
import { AnimatedView } from "@gluestack-style/animation-resolver"
import { styled } from "@gluestack-style/react"
const AnimatedBox = styled(AnimatedView, {
or You can also extend the style of the animated components and customize it.
const componentTheme = createComponents({
Overlay components:
gluestack-ui also provides a set of overlay components that can be used to create a modal-like experience. All the animation props works out of the box with these components. However, to animate component on exit you need to pass
AnimatePresence while creating component.
If you can use AnimatePresence from @gluestack-style/animation-resolver, which internally uses AnimatePresence from your chosen driver.
import { AnimatePresence } from "@gluestack-style/animation-resolver"
export const Tooltip = createTooltip({
Advanced concepts for animations in gluestack-ui
However, you are not limited to use only
@legendapp/motion. You can use any declarative animation library you prefer, such as
framer-motion, and
moti, or others. You can add your own animation driver to the
animation-resolver plugin and use it with gluestack-ui. Currently we only provide 2 drivers,
@legendapp/motion and
You can refer to
customizing animations section's documentation for more details on customizing the Animation Components.