
With our styled function, you can easily extend existing components and make them customizable and themeable.
Creating a styled component:
const StyledButton = styled(
bg: "$primary600",
px: "$6",
py: "$4",
_dark: {
bg: "$gray800",

Configure styled

To configure styled, create a gluestack-style.config.ts file (.js works too)
Note: This file should be in the root of your project


  • Component
  • componentStyleConfig
  • componentConfig
  • extendedBaseConfig


componentConfig is an object that allows you to define the following:
  1. Step
    descendantStyle is an array of strings that denotes the descendants of that component that should respond to parents state. This is useful for creating a complex styles that is dependent on the component that this prop is passed in.
    descendantStyle: ["_text", "_spinner"]
  2. Step
    ancestorStyle is an array of strings that denotes the ancestors of that component. This is useful for creating complex styles that is dependent on the ancestor component.
    ancestorStyle: ["_text"]
    So if this component finds a parent component with _text prop, it will apply the styles to the component.
  3. Step
    resolveProps is an array of strings that denotes the props that should be resolved. This is useful for props that are not passed into the style property rather goes in as a prop. For example, placeholderTextColor in TextInput.
    resolveProps: ["placeholderTextColor"]
    Note: For this to work you also need to add the prop in propertyTokenMap, that can be defined in the next parameter of styled function i.e. extendedBaseConfig.


extendedBaseConfig is a object that lets you extend the base config for the component. This is useful when you want to define some aliases, tokens, propertyTokenMap, and propertyResolver that is specific to the component.
aliases: {
pTC: 'placeholderTextColor',
[aliasName]: [originalPropertyName],
tokens: {
placeholderTextColor: 'placeholderTextColor',
[tokenScale]: [tokenValue],
[nestedTokenScale]: {
[token]: [tokenValue],
propertyTokenMap: {
placeholderTextColor: 'colors',
[propertyName]: [tokenScaleName],
propertyResolver: {
placeholderTextColor: (rawValue,resolver)=>{
return resolver(rawValue,[tokenScaleName]:?optional)
[propertyName]: [resolverCallbackFunction],
This will merge the following to the base config (gluestack-style.config.js) for the scope of that component.



You can write styling properties in the style config object.
const StyledButton = styled(Pressable, {
// styles ---->
bg: "$primary600",
px: "$6",
py: "$4",
_text: {
color: "$white",
// <--- styles


This allows you to easily create different variations of a component with different styles.
const StyledButton = styled(
bg: '$primary600',
borderRadius: '$full',
_text: {
color: '$white',
bg: '$primary100',
borderRadius: '$full',
_text: {
color: '$primary400',
px: '$3',
py: '$2',
px: '$4',
py: '$3',
descendantStyle: ['_text'],

Default props:

This allows you to specify default values for props that are passed to that component. This can be useful for providing default behavior for a component, or for handling cases where a required prop is not provided.
const StyledButton = styled(
descendantStyle: ['_text'],


State-Based Styling:

  • This includes the ability to define styles based on the component's state. This allows you to create dynamic and interactive styles that change based on user interactions or other events.
  • The extended component accept a states prop, which is an object containing the state of the component. This prop can contain any number of state keys and values, such as {hover: true, active: true}. The library then uses this prop to apply the corresponding state styles to the component.
  • The states prop allows developers to easily control the state of the component and its styles. For example, it can be used to apply hover styles to a button when the mouse is over the button, or to apply active styles to a button when it is clicked. The library uses the states prop to look up the state styles in the global style map and apply them to the component.
  • It's important to note that the states prop is optional and will be used only if passed, otherwise the component will use the default styles.
  • Sure, here's an example of how the states prop can be used:
const StyledButton = styled(Button, {
bg: "$primary600",
px: "$6",
py: "$4",
":hover": {
bg: "$blue300",
function MyComponent() {
const [isHovered, setIsHovered] = useState(false)
const [isActive, setIsActive] = useState(false)
return (
states={{ hover: isHovered, active: isActive }}
onMouseEnter={() => setIsHovered(true)}
onMouseLeave={() => setIsHovered(false)}
onMouseDown={() => setIsActive(true)}
onMouseUp={() => setIsActive(false)}
Click Me
In the example above, we have a functional component that wraps a StyledButton component, which is the component returned by the styled function. The MyComponent component uses state hooks to keep track of whether the button is currently being hovered over or pressed (active). It then passes the current state to the StyledButton component via the states prop. When the button is hovered over, the isHovered state is set to true, which causes the StyledButton component to apply the :hover styles to itself. When the button is pressed, the isActive state is set to true, which causes the StyledButton component to apply the :active styles to itself. This way the developer can easily control the state of the component and its styles with the help of states prop.

Platform-Based Styling:

This allows you to easily create styles that are specific to a particular platform, such as web or mobile.
const StyledButton = styled(
bg: "$primary600",
px: "$6",
py: "$4",
_web: {
bg: "$amber500",
_ios: {
bg: "$blue500",
_android: {
bg: "$red500",

Color Mode-Based Styling:

This allows you to easily create styles that are specific to a particular color mode, like light or dark mode.
const StyledButton = styled(Pressable, {
bg: "$primary600",
px: "$6",
py: "$4",
_dark: {
bg: "$info600",
_light: {
bg: "$info800",

Media Query:

This allows you to apply styles based on screen width.
const StyledButton = styled(Pressable, {
bg: "$primary600",
px: "$6",
py: "$4",
"@lg": {
_dark: {
bg: "$red500",
_light: {
bg: "$blue500",

Context-Based Styling:

This allows you to easily propagate context-specific styles to child components, without having to pass props or manually style each child component individually.
const StyledButton = styled(
bg: "$primary600",
px: "$6",
py: "$4",
_text: {
color: "$white",
descendantStyle: ["_text"],


This allows you to extendTheme from createConfig.
const StyledButton = styled(
bg: "$primary600",
px: "$6",
py: "$4",
_text: {
color: "$white",
descendantStyle: ["_text"],